The Forbidden Basement

We received word that a distant uncle had passed away and left us access to his estate. If we could find his fortune it would be ours to keep! Turns out there were a lot of distant relatives invited to visit the estate to establish who was “most worthy” of Uncle’s inheritance…..

Upon arrival, we found the door locked, so we looked through a window to search for a way in. To our surprise we saw some faded lettering on the far wall: “Intuition is the key to discovering your fortune.” Puzzled, you stepped back triggering a loud click. A trap door had opened beneath our feet! Could your inheritance be down there, in what appeared to be a creepy basement?

Actually we were completing another Exit Puzzle jigsaw. This time we were assembling the Ravensburger 759pc Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle set in The Forbidden Basement.

The Basement – photo by Juliamaud

Once again the puzzle image is not the same as the picture on the box. They were very similar but the new picture includes puzzles to be completed after the jigsaw.

As before, we began by completing large areas in the middle of the jigsaw before working our way to the edges. The puzzles were fairly straight forward on this jigsaw so, unlike the Dragon one, We recommend this Exit / Escape Jigsaw Puzzle

Ravensburger Escape Puzzle – The Basement – is available from Amazon

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