The Dragon’s Laboratory

We had been invited to visit a distant relative. Our Great Uncle had collected all sorts of things relating to Dragons in his Dragon Laboratory. However, when we arrived he was nowhere to be seen. Casting our eyes over his notebook we saw a hasty written warning……something about a guardian of a cursed artifact..

But alas it was too late. Turning we came face to face with a dragon!

Our only task now was to find the cursed relic and break its magic spell.

As you’ve guessed by now, our task was actually to complete another Exit Puzzle jigsaw. This time we were assembling the Ravensburger 759pc Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle set in the Dragon’s Laboratory.

The Dragon’s Laboratory – photo by Juliamaud

The puzzle image, as with previous jigsaws in the series, is not the same as the picture on the box. True they were very similar but the new picture includes puzzles to be completed after the jigsaw. In this case we had 6 mysteries, hidden within the puzzle, to solve.

Like the other Exit jigsaws we’ve completed, we started with large areas in the middle and worked our way to the edges. Then we studied the puzzles that had been revealed. There was a QR code in the instruction booklet that could be scanned to give additional clues. The solutions to the puzzles gave us a list of numbers that related to pieces around the edge of the jigsaw. These pieces fitted together to solve our quest. 

While the jigsaw itself was good, extra puzzles (ie the escape component) was not that good. While we were able to work out some of the puzles we also had to use a couple of hints. And having found all the required puzzles pieces, the solution was a little random. Even the solution in the sealed envelope only gave you the numbers of the pieces and not how they solved your mission.

So while we normally recommend the Ravensburger Exit Jigsaw Puzzles and Escape Jigsaw Puzzles, this one was not as good as the others we have completed.

The Dragon’s Laboratory is available from Amazon

Other puzzles available from Amazon

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Ravensburger Escape Puzzle – The Artist Studio 

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