Operation Blacksheep

Our international team worked so well together to solve the mystery of PLAN 52, that we decided to break for food then reconvene and solve another mystery. Returning to ClueQuest we discovered that Professor BlackSheep, Mr Q’s arch nemesis, had built and launched a satellite into Earth’s orbit that was capable of controlling all human minds. He… More Operation Blacksheep

Plan 52

It had been a while since we’d been asked to save the world when we got a call from our Danish counterparts, Henrik and Freja. They were heading to London on a covert mission to form an international team to solve the mystery of PLAN 52. It seems a top secret fortress location for highly classified archives… More Plan 52

Holy Foul- Up, Blackwing!

Black. The game started with complete darkness. And music… Edgy, scary music designed to make players nervous… We entered not knowing what to expect. Sure, we’d played other escape rooms. Ones where you sift through drawers and empty cupboards looking for clues. But this game was different. This game was the Breakin’ Blackwing’s Cave room… More Holy Foul- Up, Blackwing!

It was a dark and stormy afternoon when the call came through…

The ringing phone could only just be heard over the sound of the wind outside and the excited chatter inside. Someone needed our help or rather a few someones needed our help….. Invitation To Events sprang into action and dispatched teams across Nottingham to discover the hidden clues, objects and codes. Each team would have… More It was a dark and stormy afternoon when the call came through…