Who Dunnit!

The City Adventurers are quite proud of their detective skills and so we settled down to play “Who Dunnit? – Mystery at the Museum” by YULU. The box said suitable for 2 to 4 players but actually it meant 2 players, or 4 players playing as 2 teams. The story goes that, during a blackout,… More Who Dunnit!

Haunted Manor House

Ghost Hunting South Africa invited the City Adventurers to undertake an investigation at a Haunted Manor House. Mrs Grimborn had recently moved into her dream home; a 17th century manor house on a historic wine estate in the Western Cape. However, there had been strange happenings in the home since Mrs Grimborn’s arrival. These included… More Haunted Manor House

Halloween Fun At Home

As we approach Halloween under the current Tier restrictions, none of us are able hold our annual Halloween events. But that doesn’t mean Halloween fun is cancelled. This year The City Adventurers are playing escape room games at home with the Halloween – Survival Escape Training from ClueQuest and the Haunting of Harlequin House by… More Halloween Fun At Home

Exit Puzzle – Space Observatory Mystery Jigsaw

Looking for something different to do at home, I came across Ravensburger Exit Puzzles, which combine a jigsaw puzzle and an “escape room” mystery. The first title we tried was their Space Observatory 759pc Mystery Jigsaw Puzzle. Story While out for an evening stroll you notice a strange light in the sky. Out of curiosity… More Exit Puzzle – Space Observatory Mystery Jigsaw

Cluequest Online

We really loved playing clueQuest (Plan 52 and Operation Black Sheep) so when they suggested we try the clueQuest experience at home how could we resist? They have a series of Print + Cut + Escape games using the same characters as the live clueQuest experience. All you need to do is download the pdf,… More Cluequest Online


Although this game had been recommended by a number of website, it took City Adventurers three attempts to play Chapter 1. The game took ages to load so we gave up the first time. The second time, I got through the initial pages, which were like entering a story book and got stuck when I… More Medogan

Palace of Destiny

The Palace of Destiny is an online puzzle adventure by palacesphere.com. It is more of a puzzle hunt than an escape room as you work your way through the rooms of the palace. City Adventurers have been playing this game individually, and as teams, for a couple of weeks. So far some of us have… More Palace of Destiny