So you are in an escape room with your team.
What things can trip you up? How do you over come them?
Not seeing what is in front of you.
Sometimes one of the hardest things in an escape room is seeing what is in plain sight. You are so used to having to open locks and search cupboards that you can miss something that is staring you in the face.
Check your answer.
So you’ve worked out the puzzle and are sure you’ve got the right answer, but the lock isn’t opening?
Time to start double-checking your work. It may be that you have the right answer, but the wrong lock.
Next, ask your team. Maybe you’ve made a simple error in your calculations. Or maybe you’ve gone about solving it the wrong way. It could be as simple as on those game shows where they read who “has” been in rather than who “hasn’t” and loose the jackpot.
I give up!
Unfortunately, you can’t.
Or if you do give up, someone else on your team has to solve the puzzle.
No-one is getting out unless all the puzzles are solved…….unless of course you hack the puzzle. And that’s not why you paid good money and gave up a couple of hours of your time.
So stop complaining, stop procrastinating and ask for help.
Initially ask your team. But ultimately ask your Games Master. They are there to help you get out. Use them.

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