Treasure Hunts in London

Play Treasure Hunts In London on your phone

Select your Treasure Hunt from our sister site, Treasure Hunts In London

Download the free ClueKeeper app and become the hero of your own adventure

Explore an easily walkable area as you learn about London's heritage

Hunts costs £29.99 per team

Fairytale In The City
Explore the City of London.
Discover London Street Art
Brixton is home to some amazing street art.
Park Life
Vauxhall is greener than you think.
Artists and Artisans
Many notable people lived and worked around Trafalgar Square. Discover who they were and where they lived.
Discover the
National Museum Cardiff
learn more about natural history and art in this music inspired trip around part of the National Museum of Wales

Clues sent directly on your smartphone or tablet

Currently available for both Android and iOS

Each hunt has a different theme

Only one app per team needed to play

Uses the free ClueKeeper app

Hunts costs £29.99 per team

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