The No1 book on social team building by award winning author Catherine Skeggs
Click the link to grab your copy and discover what happens when Indiana Jones, Miss Marple and Einstein walk into a room.
1. Finding Fun as a City Adventurer
2. Social team-building
3. Playing by Mum’s rules
4. Sharing Fun
5. Explore what’s on your doorstep
6. Discover something new
7. Playing in the street
8. Explore further afield
9. Invitation To Murder
10. Solve the mystery
11. Let’s get Quizzical
12. That’s puzzling
13. Looking for a way out
14. What Are We Going To Do Next (Just One More Thing)
Click the link to grab your copy of What are we going to do next? Social Team-Building and Finding Fun For City Adventurers
Our lives are filled with adventure. Sometimes this is due to a drastic life change such as getting married or having a child. Sometimes they are commercial adventures like starting a new business venture or buying real estate. Other adventures may involve a physical challenge, such as a Polar Race. I am an avid adventurer myself, having completed a 350 mile foot race to the magnetic north pole, one of the world’s toughest races. So I was interested to see what a book about city adventures and social teambuilding had to offer.
I was unaware of the phrase Social Teambuilding until I had read Catherine’s book. This simple phrase has tendrils that reach into so many areas; how groups of friends or family’s bond, the importance of shared experiences, and how socialising is important at any time of life.
In What Are We Going To Do Next? – Social Teambuilding and Finding fun for city adventurers, Catherine shows that adventure can be found “on our doorstep”. She explains that adventures do not need to be physically demanding, nor in hostile environments. Adventures can be had within city environments.
This fascinating book shows how social teambuilding builds memories and happiness. It explores how to find others who share our passion.
Drawing on years of experience, Catherine explores the importance of shared activities and experiences, and shows how to find adventures and mystery solving within the city.
Once you have read the book you will be able to spot the opportunities for fun adventures in your life.
Raymond Aaron, the NY Times Best Selling Author and Professional Speaker