Treasure Hunts in London self guided treasure hunts

Treasure Hunts in London Treasure Hunts in London offers a range of self guided treasure hunts, as well as fully managed experiences, throughout London. Taking part is easy. Start by downloading  the free ClueKeeper app for your mobile device on the App Store or Google Play. Then decide which Treasure Hunts in London self guided hunt you want to experience. There are… More Treasure Hunts in London self guided treasure hunts

At this “Teddy Bears Picnic” things are not as innocent as they seem!

Enter the 1980’s world of big business, big shoulders and fluffy toys On Saturday night our team of investigators stepped back in time to to play the ITM Games murder mystery dinner party “Teddy Bears Picnic”. The plot of “Teddy Bears Picnic” It was the fifth anniversary of Edwards Toys, the company formed by Chester Toyes, Penny Whistle and… More At this “Teddy Bears Picnic” things are not as innocent as they seem!

Diving into the murky world of Cold War espionage

Something was up in the world of aviation and our team were sent to investigate. The venue was a glamorous London hangout, where several suspects would be lurking. We arrived at the dangerous location, filled with spies, jet setters and cocktails, to start our mission. We were told that a small plane had come down… More Diving into the murky world of Cold War espionage

The Celestial Chain

Having played the Lance of Longinus, my team were ready to take on Time Run’s Celestial Chain mission. We gathered at Time Run HQ in Helmsley Place and met Aubrey for our mission briefing. The Celestial Chain As before, at 6:30pm sharp, the door swung open to reveal the Time Portal and the start of our time… More The Celestial Chain

The Tomb

Don your fedora and whip and start solving the mystery! Stumbling inside an Egyptian tomb (in Cardiff), it’s time to unleash your inner Indiana Jones. You are there to search for a missing explorer, Howard Carter. Unfortunately you’ve just set off a booby trap and now you only have 60 minutes before the walls of… More The Tomb