Triangle Stress Reliever

This is a nice little puzzle that tuned in to the short lived fad for fidget spinners. It consists of six circles of different coloured balls. The outside half of each circle can be twisted through 180 degrees, swapping some balls from one side to the other. The centre circle can also rotate moving balls…

Ancient Egypt

This is an edge matching puzzle consisting of nine squares that need to be arranged into a larger three by three square. Artistic Ratings The ratings I have chosen for this puzzle is 6,5,6. The pictures are quite pleasant and the production is very good. The puzzle is produced by Price Stern Sloan which is…


Impuzzable is an edge matching puzzle. It consists of nine squares which need to be arranged into a larger three by three square. The edges are jigsaw like with four designs loosely based on hearts, clubs, diamonds and spades. Artistic Ratings The ratings I have chosen for this puzzle is 5,6,6. I quite like this…

The Ultimate Puzzle Two

This is a follow up to The Ultimate Puzzle. Like its predecessors it is an edge matching puzzle. There are eighteen right triangles that can be used to form nine squares. The nine squares can then be used to form a large three-by-three square. Artistic Ratings The ratings I have chosen for this puzzle is…

The Ultimate Puzzle

Putting aside the pretentious title, this is an edge matching puzzle. There are sixteen squares which need to be formed into a large square. The pieces are like a jigsaw puzzle with four different edge designs. The puzzle was designed by Lee Willcott, other than the follow up The Ultimate Puzzle 2, I have been…

Magic Triangle

This is a nice little edge matching puzzle. It consists of nine triangles which need to be arranged into a large triangle. It is manufactured by Heye under the Crazy Jacob brand. Artistic Ratings The ratings I have chosen for this puzzle is 6,5,5. The final solution is pleasant to look at and I think the…


Terrarium is a Tangram puzzle consisting of a square cut into five pieces. But this puzzle is more than that, each piece has been delicately cut into the shape of an animal. The puzzle is produced by Arbor Art. I have been able to find out very little about this company other than it look…

Bug Mega Puzzle

This puzzle is very similar to another puzzle by Lagoon, that is: Jungle. Its an edge matching puzzle of 36 squares which need to be assembled to show four loops of bugs. Artistic Ratings The ratings I have chosen for this puzzle is 4,4,2 compared with 7,7,8 for the jungle puzzle. The main reason for the…

Traffic Trauma

Traffic Trauma is an edge matching puzzle. It has sixteen square pieces which need to be places in a square with edges matching. Artistic Ratings The ratings I have chosen for this puzzle is 2,2,2. The puzzle is not very pleasing. There is nothing artistic in the design, three of the pieces are duplicated. There are…


Anaconda is a fun edge matching puzzle. It has eight rectangular pieces which need to be places in a square making one snake that weaves around the pieces. Artistic Ratings The ratings I have chosen for this puzzle is 5,4,4. The final solution is pleasant to look at and I think the whole presentation of the…